Tennis Perpetual Trophies

Tennis Perpetual Trophies
Tennis perpetual trophies will help you keep track of the winners of an event over time. This type of trophy is also known as a traveling trophy because the honor of the trophy travels from winner to winner as long as the event keeps going. The larger perpetual trophies we offer will keep track of winners for up to 32 years.

But you don't need to use them as traveling trophies if you don't want. If you just want a big trophy then this will work just fine!

Champion Tennis Cup Trophy
In Stock
Champion Tennis Cup Trophy
  • Great Championship Trophy!
  • Over 18" Tall
  • Tennis figurine on 8.75" cup
  • Cherry finish wood base
  • Free engraving on front plate - 4 lines - 35 characters each
  • Room for 9 winners on sides and back
  • Uses 1"x3" engraved plate for winners
  • To order winner's plates, click here
1-49 $59.99 each
50-99 $57.99 each
100-249 $55.99 each
250-499 $52.99 each
500+$49.99 each



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Perpetual Tennis Trophy
In Stock
Perpetual Tennis Trophy
  • Perfect for Championship Trophy!
  • Large - Over 23" Tall
  • Brass plate for League Name
  • Enough room for 32 winners!
  • Tennis figurine on 8.75" cup
  • Double cherry wood base
  • Uses 1"x3" engraved plate for winners
  • To order winner's plates, click here
1-49 $89.99 each
50-99 $87.99 each
100-249 $85.99 each
250-499 $82.99 each
500+$79.99 each



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Perpetual Tennis Metal Cup Trophy
In Stock
Perpetual Tennis Metal Cup Trophy
  • Great for League or Championship Games!
  • Metal figurine and cup
  • Solid walnut bases
  • Large - Over 23" Tall
  • Brass plate for League or Event Name
  • Enough room for 32 winners!
  • Metal Tennis figurine on 8.75" cup
  • Uses 1"x3" engraved plate for winners
  • To order winners plates, click here
1-4 $199.00 each
5-9 $189.00 each
10-14 $179.00 each
15+$169.00 each



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