Soccer Perpetual Traveling TrophyThe Soccer Perpetual Traveling Trophy can be used as a traveling trophy or perpetual trophy. They are called traveling trophies because the trophy and the bragging rights travel from team to team over the years. The trophy itself lists the annual soccer event on the front and the names of the winning teams and the years they won the event are on smaller engraved plates around the rest of the base. The trophy itself forms the official record of the winning teams over time so it is also known as a perpetual trophy. The top base has a 3x5 metal plate with brass text laser engraved with the name of the annual event. On the larger, lower base, there is room for 8 smaller 1x3 plates on each side, so if you use all 4 sides, this trophy can be used for annual events over the next 32 years! If you add 1x3 plates to the top base, you can stretch that out for another 9 years (3 per side). OR, if you just want a big trophy, this trophy works for that, too. |