Soccer Cup Trim Trophy - Medium

The Medium size Soccer Cup Trim Trophy features 2 figures on each trophy. The medium size trim trophy is 12 inches tall and features a male or female Soccer figure standing on a golden cup figure which, in turn is mounted on the left side of a large 3x5 inch solid marble base. The wider marble base with a slant front and felt pads on the bottom, gives us space for the second, smaller figurine on the right, a trim piece figure of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place or a trim piece with the year. Create special, memorable trophies for your Soccer meet. You could have 3 different sized trim trophies with the trim showing the placement of the award, the largest being first, the middle sized trophy being 2nd, and the smallest being 3rd. The trim trophies include 3 lines of personalized engraving - so you can add information about the placement, too.

12" Soccer Cup Trim Trophy
In Stock
12" Soccer Cup Trim Trophy
  • Soccer figurine atop trophy cup
  • Solid white slant front marble base
  • Stylish trim piece
  • Gold figure 5" tall
  • 2" marble colored column
  • Free engraving, 3 lines, 30 characters each
1-49 $17.99 each
50-99 $17.79 each
100-249 $17.59 each
250-499 $17.29 each
500+$16.99 each



