Soccer Champion Cup Trophy

The Soccer Champion Cup Trophy can be used as a perpetual trophy, or traveling trophy, meaning a trophy that can be used for an event that happens on an annual basis, like a soccer tournament. It has space on the base to document which team won each year. The Champion Cup Trophy can also be used as a nice, large trophy for any soccer event or tournament. It stands over 18 inches tall. The soccer figure (male or female) is mounted on a large golden cup, which is mounted on a cherry finished wood base. Your engraving is laser etched onto the front golden plate. If you use it as a traveling trophy, you could put the name of the annual event on the large plate. There is room on the sides and back of the base to put 1x3 engraved tags (to order, click on the link in the text below). You can put 3 on each side of the base, thus, there is room to keep track of the winners for 9 years!

Champion Soccer Cup Trophy
In Stock
Champion Soccer Cup Trophy
  • Great Championship Trophy!
  • Over 18" Tall
  • Soccer figurine on 8.75" cup
  • Cherry finish wood base
  • Free engraving on front plate - 4 lines - 35 characters each
  • Room for 9 winners on sides and back
  • Uses 1"x3" engraved plate for winners
  • To order winner's plates, click here
1-49 $59.99 each
50-99 $57.99 each
100-249 $55.99 each
250-499 $52.99 each
500+$49.99 each



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