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A Great Trophy Company

What do you look for when selecting a company to produce your trophies? What makes one company good or average and anther company great? Why do customer or employees favor one company over another company? A lot of it has to do with company culture and we work on that a lot here at QuicTrophy. You'd think that a company that makes trophies would be the best place in the world to work at - but for many trophy companies that is sadly not the truth. Just read their reviews to see what former employees say about them. A happy work environment results in better quality products and happier customers. The environment just somehow seems to get into the products made at a production area. You can feel it.

Company Values

The values that a company strives to maintain say a lot about the place it is and how it views itself, its customers, and the people who work there. The values we hold as Core Values here at QuickTrophy are:
-- Respect - Respect for our work family, respect for the processes we have in place, and respect for our customers and every single order.
-- Quick - It's in our name! We try to process orders as quickly as possible, getting nearly all of them made and shipped out the door either the same day we receive them, or by the next business day.
-- Accurate - Every single order is custom built and custom personalized - it has to be done right because our customers are counting on us.
-- Hard Working - We work as a team to produce and fill all our orders. This only works if we work together and respect each other.
-- Initiative - Although we work together, we also act independently. We are adaptable and always learning.
-- Innovative - We try new things, look for new products and processes. But never lose sight of our other values along the way.
I'll write a complete article about these values and how we try to make them part of our day to day work environment.

Employee Interaction

You probably noticed that several of our company values related to employees. That's because our employees are an integral part of the process here at QuickTrophy. Many companies say things like "Employees are our most values resource" and they may or may not actually follow through on that sentiment. We actually do. We include everyone in the important decisions here and discuss what we need to do and how best to do it. No one has all the answers, but together we can solve anything. We have weekly meetings with the entire team, our leadership team meets every other day, and we have spot meetings with people throughout the day. We all know each other and keep communication open. Emotions like happiness or anger will find its way into your work - emotions don't care. We strive to fill our trophies and awards with as much happiness as possible.

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews don't lie. We work with Google to manage our review system to be totally un-biased. A request for a review is sent to each customer after they place an order. This makes sure that only actual customers leave us reviews. The results are real and un-biased. They are available in the lower right hand corner of every page on our QuickTrophy web site. Simply click on the review icon and a link will take you to the Google Reviews page with all the reviews about our web site, products, and service by our customers. They will tell you if our Values and Employee Happiness are being build into our products.

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Quicktrophy, LLC
446 E. Crescent Street
Marquette, MI 49855
Toll-Free: 1-866-200-1234
Fax: 1-906-228-9865

Office Hours
M-Th 9-5 Eastern
Fr 9-Noon Eastern
*FREE GROUND SHIPPING on orders over $100 within the continental US
©2018 QuickTrophy, LLC